
The Church of Tvøroyri


In 1905 the process of building a new church in Tvøroyri began. The work went well in the beginning, however, the person responsible for the stonework quit and no one else could replace him. Then the local businessmen of A/S Mortensen Eftf. offered to donate all of the material if the church was made of timber. As a result, the task of building the church was offered to the Norwegian factory Strømmen Trævarefabrik A/S, and in the Fall of 1906 the church was finally under construction in Norway. The church was finished in 1907 and was then transported to Tvøroyri and is the only Faroese church that has been built abroad. In Spring 1908 the church was ready to be taken into use and was consecrated on Christ’s Ascension Day that same year.

Service is every Sunday at 11am.


Kirkjubrekkan 23
800 Tvøroyri

Opening hours
